Funny Conceptual Photography

Imagine a world turned upside down and you’ll understand the photos by Zack Seckler. His Less than Ordinary series turns everyday life into something quite unexpected. By throwing his subjects into strange surrounds, he creates interesting stories that leaves us with more questions than answers.

Creative Father Captures Amazing Photos of His Daughters

Wedding photographer Jason Lee is also known as the creative dad takes crazy photos of daughters. He picked up his first digital camera a year before his first daughter was born, he really enjoyed taking photos and after his daughters he got creative ideas coming from the girls, from observing them play, or hearing the… Continue reading Creative Father Captures Amazing Photos of His Daughters

Funny & Useless Fliers

Fliers are used when you are looking for your lost pets, or sometime when your family / friends are missing but some people have come up with hilarious ideas for fliers. Let’s have a look.