Want Secure Email? Here Are the Security Features to Look Out For

Everyone probably uses an email service. These services are quite secure but that depends on the threats you often face and where the threats come from, especially in a business context. If you are an organization, you need a secure email service. Once you start looking into this subject, you will realize that some of the measures used to ensure the security of your emails and email account are overkill for most people, but they are important in specific situations. These measures vary from one service provider to the next, so below we will look at the absolute minimum security features the secure email service you choose has to have.

End-to-End Encryption

Encryption is simply obscuring data so that even if it is intercepted by third parties, they cannot read it. This is often done through the use of encryption keys that are generated by the server sending the email. Emails sent using an encrypted network cannot be read unless the receiving party has the encryption key. End-to-End encryption checks that your inbox has the right encryption keys before it opens any messages sent to you. All this happens in the background and you might not even notice.

Two-factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication eliminates some of the biggest problems for accounts you need to log into using your username or email and password; stealing, leaking or brute forcing. Because two-factor authentication involves your username/password combination as well as a physical device, it essentially eliminates any security threats posed by a leaked or stolen password.

Two-factor authentication can be implemented in different ways including using biometrics or a token issued by the secure email provider. The token can only be used once and in a specified amount of time. Some two-factor authentication systems like the use of an SMS can also make it easier to gain control of a hijacked email account.

Open Source

When we use an email service like Gmail or Outlook, we expect their parent companies to act in good faith and have a secure system. When your email service is open source, you do not have these concerns. Such software and services are often developed, checked and debugged by thousands of developers and programmers. Because there are so many people looking after that system, any vulnerabilities or security issues are quickly identified and patched.

Metadata Striping

Most people do not realize that an email sends much more than the message itself. Other data like your computer, browser, recipient, and network are also sent on the email’s header. Secure email services strip this metadata so that it cannot be read by third parties if your email is ever intercepted.

Stay Secure

If you want true security but switching to a secure email service seems expensive, tedious, and time-consuming, there is something else you can do to secure your mails before you make the switch; use a VPN. VPNs encrypt your data as well as give you a new IP address so that you cannot be geolocated. If you take your security seriously, you should check out Anonymania’s VPN reviews. They provide online security tips, reviews, and how-to guides so you can stay safe online.  Their VPN reviews are also some of the best on the internet.

If you are a large organization, you should be concerned about your email’s security. Getting a secure email service is one of the best ways to secure your emails. Try to get a service provider who makes use of as many security features as possible.

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