Couple Takes Newborn Photos With Their Dog

A common question often posed towards couples is, “So, when are you having kids?” While it can be an irritating inquiry, one couple, Matt Kay & Abby Lee, found a hilarious way to deflect the issue by doing a newborn baby shoot, but with their dog, Humphry, as the baby.

This is What Happens When You Ask The Internet To Help Edit Your Vacation Photo

Be very careful when you ask someone on the internet to photoshop something for you, because you might just get what you asked for. This is the story of Instagrammer Sid Frisjes who loves taking purposely bad tourist photos and captioning them with the hashtag “#NailedIt.” Frisjes recently went to Paris, where he took another… Continue reading This is What Happens When You Ask The Internet To Help Edit Your Vacation Photo

This Cat Has The “Most Awful Sleeping Face” In Japan

This cat named Setsu-chan has the ugliest and most awful sleeping face of all time. At first glance most people would call this cat adorable or elegant because on the surface. There is not anything that remarkable but the feline transforms into an entirely different animal when decides to take a cat nap. Things go… Continue reading This Cat Has The “Most Awful Sleeping Face” In Japan