Preparing Your Home For the Harsh Winter Ahead

You know to buy a coat, gloves, and a warm hat for winter, but have you thought about preparing your home for the harsh winter months ahead? Here is a list you can use to help protect your home from possible winter damage.

Cleaning Gutters

Cleaning gutters is about much more than having somewhere for melting snow or falling rain to go. It is also about the phenomenon known as ice damming – the thawing of ice at the edge of your roof that builds up and leaves dangerous icicles. Unclogging gutters can also keep water from pouring down the side of your home and into your crawlspace or basement. Cleaning your gutters is an important first step in preventing water damage.

Draining Irrigation

One of the biggest problems homeowners have in their yard during the cold winter months is having the water pipes freeze. To prevent the icing, call a plumbing company in Austin, TX, to drain and insulate the outdoor faucets, in-ground watering system, and hoses. Also, make sure everyone in the house knows where the main water valve is located in case water does freeze and cause damage during the coldest months.

Checking Roofing

If you have shingles, check for loose, broken, missing, curling, or cracked pieces. If you have tiles, check for broken, cracked, or missing tiles. You should also examine flashings, skylights, and chimneys to make sure seals are watertight and there are no visible cracks that can allow water into your home. While examining your chimney, check for loose or damaged bricks, nesting birds, and excessive soot.

Heating Check-up

Whether you own an oil burner, coal furnace, or HVAC system, consider having a professional give the machine its annual check-up before winter sets in. You can also check filters and inlets to make sure they are clear of debris and inspect your thermostat to make sure it is working accurately.

Sealing Windows

The largest loss of air often comes from gaps around your home’s doors or windows. To keep your heat inside and the cold air outside, install weather stripping and caulking around leaking areas. Make sure to replace any cracked windows and check the caulking around each window because it can crack as it ages.

Preparing your home for the harsh winter months ahead makes sense. With the peace of mind being proactive provides, you can enjoy time in front of the fireplace with your friends or family on those blustery nights.

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