Food Inspired Jewelry

In this post I have compiled a beautiful collection of food-inspired jewelry. Creative miniature rings, necklace, tops and earrings inspired by different food items. 1. Fried Eggs Earrings These fried eggs were handcrafted from polymer clay and placed on silver plated earrings. Each of eggs measures about 11/16 inch (18mm).

Star Wars Typographic Illustrations

Typographer Matteo Civaschi from H-57 advertising agency created these interesting Star Wars drawing only with type. This series of illustration has been named “May the force of Typography be with you”.

20+ Impressive Pixel-Inspired Logo Designs

When zooming into an image, a number of tiny blocks appear on the image in which one block is equivalent to a single pixel. Many companies and individual creative designers use this idea to design beautiful pixel-inspired logos for their businesses.

Sitting Lamps

Pretty interesting and creative lamps that actually sits, stands and can also express emotions. These beautiful “sitting lamps” created by Graeme Bettles.