Starlings Form Dolphin Shape Chased by Killer Whale

55-year-old amateur photographer Paul McGreevy caught some amazing formations by starlings that resembles a dolphing being chased by a killer whale and a giant octopus. Paul McGreevy didn’t notice these beautiful formations until he got his camera home and started putting the images on his computer.

World of Teddy Bears at Jeju Teddy Bear Museum

The Jeju Teddy Bear Museum, as the name suggests, exhibits the teddy bears from the different countries of the world. This is the world of teddy bears, rather the home of teddy bears, which shows their birth, development, progress and their position in the modern world.

Super Mario-Themed Toilet

A lot of people are obsessed with games, specially Super Mario, but a fan of Super Mario game has gone one step ahead and decorated her bathroom to look like a panel from Super Mario. From the walls to the sink she has done the job with incredible detail.