Bug Memorials

Bug Memorials is a new project of advertising agency Carmichael Lynch paying tribute to bugs. This might be looking simple project of just placing miniature flowers and dolls and take photographs but it was not that easy. Even a smallest gust of wind would send them flying.

Sesame Street Bert’s Face Found On Bug

Creeping through the branches, this creature looks strikingly like the famous TV character “Bert” from the program Sesame Street. This is the find of Winston Jansen, an amateur photographer who lives in Singapore. Winston, 32, said: “I was simply in awe at the beauty of the camouflage – I know many insects use it to… Continue reading Sesame Street Bert’s Face Found On Bug

Arthrobots – Steampunk Insects by Tom Hardwidge

Digital art director and artist Tom Hardwidge creates amazing steampunk insects with just some nuts, bolts and various pieces of metal. According to Arthrobots, “Each Arthrobot starts its life as a series of sketches, some take their inspiration from nature, others from bits and pieces of recycled metal and beads…”