Your iPod Has Been Kidnapped

A friend of reddit user, Skiiou, had his iPod and he sent him this picture, probably asking for ransom? lol. The iPod kidnapping scene is cool but the Turkish flag in the background can make it seriously controversial. I mean it should not be there like that.

Marutaro The Cute Hedgehog Becomes Latest Internet Sensation

Marutaro the hedgehog has become the latest viral internet sensation. The little creature’s Japanese owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, makes sure Marutaro keeps its 49,000 Twitter fans up-to-date on its movements with daily pictures of tiny homemade expression masks, to make him look like he’s smiling, sticking his tongue out or happy.

Savanna Animals Took The Paris Metro

Amusing series of Savanna animals taking the Paris Metro created by photographers Clarisse Rebotier and Thomas Subtil. In their digital photo project called Animetro, animals like giraffe can be seen poking its head out of a train window, and a lion (king of the jungle) passing through the ticket entrance. The full series is on… Continue reading Savanna Animals Took The Paris Metro