Painting with Lips by Natalie Irish

Painting with Lips by Natalie Irish

Natalie Irish of Houston, Texas creates beautiful portraits by putting on lipstick then pressing her lips against a blank canvas. Just by varying the pressure of her kisses she can create astonishing paintings.

She said: “I always got a good response from them, but because it had been done before by other artists, I never felt like it was “my own”. I was getting ready to go to a show one night and put on a bit of red lipstick. I blotted it on a piece of paper and it hit me.”

I started experimenting and decided Marilyn Monroe would be the perfect candidate for a portrait with kisses!

Ms Irish admitted that her lips get very tired, and that she owns ‘many tubes of both lipstick and chap-stick’.

(via: Dailymail)

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