Humorous Cardboard Signs Express the Thoughts of Lost Objects

Artist Yoonjin Lee gives lost items she finds in New York City a voice by making little signs for them. She makes small cardboard signs that create a voice for the discarded stuff. The poor objects hold the signs like “Help! – I’m Lost! – and You’re Gonna Miss Me” and passers by will discover… Continue reading Humorous Cardboard Signs Express the Thoughts of Lost Objects

Parents Recreate Movie Scenes with Their Baby

Lilly and Leon Mackie had accumulated a lot of cardboard boxes (plus a new baby, Orson) after moving from New Zealand to Sydney, Australia. Instead of trashing the boxes, they decided to use them for Cardboard Box Office, where they re-create famous movies scenes in the cutest way possible: starring Orson, of course. Jaws

Giant Ready-To-Kill Cardboard Knife

The giant cardboard knife project created by Maria Lujan and shots taken inside the buildings and also on the streets of Berlin. The knife is not real but the viewers must be thinking what happened to these innocent people got killed by this weird giant knife? 🙂