Everyone Ignored This Cat, But This Guy Decided To Rescue It

Everyone Ignored This Cat, But This Guy Decided To Rescue It

Bleeding Cat

When Reddit user HoneyFlowers saw a cat lying on the sidewalk, which appeared to be bleeding, the man quickly took action. He was shocked that other people were just walking by the cat, not even paying it much attention. But after he saw what it really was, he was totally shocked. The very large feline was lying on what appeared to be a large blood spatter, but that simply wasn’t the case.

Instead, the cat had decided to take a long nap on top of some very bright, dried red paint. This could have fooled anybody, but the man was happy to see that the kitty was just fine. Other people, who know the area, have probably seen the cat lying there before and that is why they didn’t stop. This is a neighborhood cat who probably hangs around the area in hopes of finding food.

“Saw This Cat Bleeding Out”

“[so I] Ran To It’s Rescue”

It Was Just Dried Red Paint

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