Fun With Fruit: Incredible Creations Using Bananas

Fun With Fruit: Artist Wows With Incredible Creations Using Bananas

Fun With Fruit
Meet Elisa Roche. She is a Banana artist, which all started when she was bored at work one day. She started doodling… on a banana. The drawing impressed a co-worker, who suggested her to upload it online. That hobby is now #FunWithFruit on Instagram, a page dedicated to her amazing banana art.

“When I was a kid I was very artsy, but it was a little held back because my parents wanted me to be more traditionally academic. “There was always that artist inside of me, and I guess it has finally come out, just in a bit of an odd fashion.”

She also told Mirror Online, “I have been calling it ‘Fun With Fruit, so I guess it doesn’t have to be just bananas. Maybe we could see mangoes or pineapples in the future. Who knows?’

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