Humorous Cardboard Signs Express the Thoughts of Lost Objects

Funny Cardboard Signs Express the Thoughts of Lost Objects

Funny Cardboard Signs Express the Thoughts of Lost Objects

Artist Yoonjin Lee gives lost items she finds in New York City a voice by making little signs for them. She makes small cardboard signs that create a voice for the discarded stuff.

The poor objects hold the signs like “Help! – I’m Lost! – and You’re Gonna Miss Me” and passers by will discover the sadness a lost lighter or a dropped metro card might “feel” when it discovers it no longer has a purpose.

She explains:

“Losing your phone can ruin your day for sure but how about losing your favorite lip balm that you always keep in your pocket? It is definitely annoying but you can easily buy a new one. Ever wonder where and what these little objects are doing now?”

This “Little Lost Project” of her reminds me of the funny artwork using potatoes where artist gives voice to potatoes.

via: laughingsquid – artist website: Yoonjin Lee

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