Adorable Food Art by Samantha Lee

Mother of two daughters, Samantha Lee, makes beautiful and creative lunch meals to encourage her elder daughter to eat independently. Characters from comic books, video games and cartoons are sculpted out of rice, pancakes, vegetables and fruits.

Policeman’s Four-Day-Old Daughter Sleeping in His Helmet

A police officer PC Andy Ross posed his newborn baby daughter, Isla, enjoying a snooze – in his helmet. The amazing photo made him emotional because it represents his job and his family, it brought a tear to his eye. The helmet was propped up by several cans of beans and she was placed in… Continue reading Policeman’s Four-Day-Old Daughter Sleeping in His Helmet

Funny Dad & Daughter Photo Series

You might remember photographer Jason Lee’s creative series of photographs of his daughters. In a similar fashion, photographer Dave Engledow captures creative photos of his daughter with the help of his wife Jen. He created a series of photographs called “World’s Best Father” where he portrays a clueless, sleep-deprived and unsafe Dad to his adorable… Continue reading Funny Dad & Daughter Photo Series