Translucent Ants Photographed Eating Colored Liquids

Translucent Ants Photographed Eating Colored Liquids

Translucent Ants Photographed Eating Colored Liquids

Scientist Mohammad Babu from India gave the translucent ants the brightly colored sugar drops and watched as their transparent stomachs matched the food they were eating.

It all started when his wife, Shameem, showed him some ants had turned white after drinking split milk on their kitchen corner. He than mixed the sugar drops with edible colors red, green, blue and yellow and placed them in his garden to attract the insects. He discovered the translucent ants preferred lighter colors such as yellow and green.

“I really worked hard to get a photo. The crowd always used to become unmanageable within a few minutes and while I managed my camera with my right hand, my left hand was busy removing the extra ants.”

~ Source

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