Illuminated Trash Bags

Illuminated Garbage to Raise Awareness About Plastic Bags

To raise the awareness about plastic bags Spanish art collective Luzinterruptus used dozens of bags and filled them with lights. The Illuminated garbage bags installation, located outside the Gewerbe Museum in Switzerland. The installation was to spread awareness about proper recycling of plastic bags, they can be very damaging to the environment if not disposed of correctly.

To collect the more than 5,000 bags and turn them into illuminated trash bags, residents were invited to donate disposable bags in exchange for tickets to enter the museum. A few lucky museum-goers got to take the illuminated trash bags home as souvenirs.

Illuminated trash bags outside the Gewerbe Museum in Switzerland.

More than 5,000 disposable plastic bags turned into illuminated garbage bags.

A few lucky museum-goers got to take the illuminated trash bags home as souvenirs.

via: Ian Brooks

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