Intricate Leaf Cutting Art By Omid Asadi

Intricate Leaf Cutting Art By Omid Asadi

Intricate Leaf Cutting Art by Omid Asadi

Iconic celebrities and beautiful animals creatively carved into fallen leaves by artist Omid Asadi. The artist recently exhibited his work for the first time, which he creates using only a scalpel, a magnifying glass and a needle.

According to the Dailymail he said, “Carving these leaves resonates to my childhood, I had no time for playing football outside, so I used to use a needle and make some simple drawings behind a leaf and on a leaf.” His wife is a professional artist and she does Persian miniature artwork so she taught him how to use the leaves.

“The process of carving each leaf can take one or two days or up to one month, I use just two or three tools – a scalpel, a magnifying glass and sometimes a needle. I just press the leaves, I don’t use any chemical things or anything like that, after I’ve finished I simply use wood glue and press them on the paper.”

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