Simple Public Figures

Simple Public Figures” is a set of minimalist vectors about the famous characters like Marilyn Monroe, Mahatma Gandhi, Diego Maradona or Barak Obama By Ali Jabbar from United Arab Emirates.

I got in touch with Ali Jabbar and asked few questions regarding his artwork.

1. How did you get the idea to make simple portraits? did something “minimal” inspired you?

This is how my brain remembers faces. it assembles small details and feeling. So the project documents how I see these faces in my head.

2. When making a portrait – what details you try to see that you decide to focus on?

Every face has some unique elements. These elements is what keep pop up in my mind when I try to remember them.

3. Which portrait was so difficult for you to make and why?

every character comes with its challenges. Making the portrait is the easy part while figuring out the to keep in the face and what to remove is difficult.

4. Which one is your favorite portrait and why?

It is hard to pick one but each character has some kind of effects on me in bad or good way.

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