Nagoro: The Hidden Japanese Village Where Dolls Replace The Departed

Nagoro: The Hidden Japanese Village Where Dolls Replace The Departed

Dolls Village in Japan

Located in the hidden valleys of Shikoku, Japan, is the village of Nagoro. Because of its remote location have residents have left the village for big cities in search for work, there is not even a local store.

Eleven years ago, Ayano Tsukimi returned to her home in Nagoro. Confronted with constant departures, she has populated the village with dolls, each representing a former villager. Around 350 of the giant dolls now reside in and around Nagoro, replacing those that died or abandoned the village years ago.

Tsukimi discovered her craft almost by accident. When seeds that she planted failed to grow, she decided to build a scarecrow in the likeness of her father. It was only then that she fell upon the idea to recreate the village she once knew. The dolls are made with straw, fabric, and old clothes, much like a humble scarecrow, and Tsukimi is constantly making new figures to replace ones that have worn out.

via: theverge

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