4 Year Old Boy Weighs Over 60 KG

At the age of just 4 years this fatty baby from China named Xiao Hao weighs 62KG. Xiao Hao’s parents’ bodies aren’t fat, and when he was born, his weight was only 2.6kg. However, as he got older, his weight and weight and height grew out of control. Many times exceeding the weight of his peers, it is difficult for his mother to handle him.

Xiao Hao’s parents brought their son first to the Foshan and then to the Guangzhou and other hospitals, but checks of his hormone levels are all normal, so that even doctors are puzzled by the cause of his obesity. According to doctors, Xiao Hao’s brain does not have any problems, and that his obesity is very likely caused by eating habits and other factors.

Now, Xiao Hao’s parents have begun to accept doctors’ advice, starting to strictly control their son’s meal portions, hoping to control their son’s weight.

(via: Chinasmack)

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