Famous Paintings Recreated On Cakes By Maria A. Aristidou

Famous Paintings Recreated on Cakes

Cake Paintings

Famous paintings recreated on cakes by artist Maria A. Aristidou for her new project “Art on Cakes”. The paintings on the chocolate cakes are her own version of the famous artists like Picasso and Dali’s masterpieces. Depending on the designs and sizes of the paintings it takes almost 10 hours on each cake.

Don’t worry about the paint itself because it is completely edible. But simply looking at the cakes makes you hesitant to slice a knife on it because of its undeniable beauty. It is better to take some photos of the cake from every angle before you eat it so you have something to remember.

1. The Starry Night, 1889

Vincent Van Gogh, Museum of Modern Art, New York City

2. The Scream, 1893

Edward Munch, National Gallery, Oslo

3. The Persistence of Memory, 1931

Salvador Dali, Museum of Modern Art, New York City

4. Girl before mirror, 1932

Pablo Picasso, Museum of Modern Art, New York City

via: theawesomedaily

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