Chinese Woman with Monster Looking Face

Chinese Woman with Disfigured Face

A Chinese mother of two, Li Hongfang, 40-year old, facing a rare type of bone cancer caused tissue to grow under her skin, distorting her features beyond recognition. Unfortunately she had no money to pay for the £60,000 (600,000 yuan) surgery therefore she had no option left than to face this condition, known as Chordoma, for more than a decade.

But recently the Chinese government announces to pay the bill for her surgery. The hospital’s medical director, Xue Gang, said: ‘Our superiors told us specially that we should cure Li Hongfang’s illness at all costs.’

Li Hongfang with disfigured face working in the field

I am NOT a monster and I don’t want to look like one

It all started back in 2001 when Li Hongfang noticed swelling on her forehead, she didn’t thought much about it but the swelling became more permanent and abrupt but since she did not have the fare to travel to a city hospital she reasoned that it would only be a matter of time that the swelling would go down.

Over the next 11 years the swelling just kept growing and distorted her face that it become unrecognizable. After the successful operation she expressed her feelings and said, “I feel my head is lighter, and I must look better. I just want to look normal again, like I feel inside. I am not a monster and I don’t want to look like one.”

She will be returning to the hospital later in the year to remove tumors that had came to rest in her skull, nasal cavaties and throat.

Li Hongfang with her husband after successful surgery

Congratulations Li Hongfang: She can now enjoy the rest of her life like a normal woman

(via: Dailymail | Scallywagandvagabond)

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