Elephant Shaped Cloud

Elephant-Shaped Cloud

Elephant-Shaped Cloud

This elephant shaped cloud is beautiful addition to the compilation of clouds that look like things featured earlier. 72-year-old Mr. Worrall from Scotland, a keen amateur photographer, spotted this elephant-shaped cloud when she was walking her dogs at the beach.

“On this particular day I was actually taking pictures of butterflies when I happened to look up into the sky and see this cloud. I had to look twice because one of the clouds looked just like an elephant. Sometimes you think you see the vague outlines of animals in clouds but this was very clear.

My house looks right over the water and I have seen some incredible cloud formations before but I’ve not seen anything like this. I don’t have any special equipment, just a basic digital camera, and while I often have to edit my photos on the computer, this one was perfect.”

via: dailymail

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