Watermelon Bread Is The New Food Trend In Taiwan

Watermelon Bread Is The New Food Trend In Taiwan

Watermelon Bread

Taiwan’s watermelon bread is getting us both confused and hungry. This unique watermelon bread is not only for your hungry stomach but it will delight your senes and confuse for your tastebuds too.

Taiwanese bakery has invented a loaf of bread that looks like bizarre square watermelons popular in Japan. But this isn’t your standard slice of toast, nor is it a nutritional slice of fruit. In fact, the watermelon toast sold at Jimmy’s Bakery isn’t actually toast at all. Quite simply, it’s bread that’s shaped and dyed to look like watermelon.

Jimmy’s Bakery: Creator of Watermelon Bread

According to Jimmy’s Bakery, which invented this twisted masterpiece, it was designed to get kids excited about eating bread during the hot summer months when their appetites decrease. The bread uses natural dyes – green tea for the rind, strawberries for the flesh, and charcoal for the seeds. Some alternative recipes online also suggest trying raisins as seeds

Jimmy’s Bakery churns out about 100 loaves of watermelon toast per day, though customers can choose to purchase bread by the slice. But as the trend heats up on Instagram, the bakery is having trouble keeping up with high demand.

h/t: Pulptastic

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